Archived Blog #1: "Tourists"
Originally posted on June 2, 2009

I have a very torrid love/ hate relationship with tourists. On the one hand, I long to be one--some of my fondest memories consist of my girlfriends and I roaming the streets of Milan and Vienna with our maps and cameras, soaking up the culture and dreaming of the days we could afford to NOT stay in youth hostels. On the other hand, I currently live in on of the most visited cities in the world, on a street where the cable car, jammed packed with tourists, goes by every eight minutes from 5 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
side note: did you know that tourists spent $8.5 billion in San Francisco last year?!? I wonder how much of that went towards their overpriced five dollar Cable Car ride? Suckers.
So I'm at an impasse, every night I want to scream out my window, "the Cable Car is not a roller coaster! You do not have to yell 'weeeeeee' every time the car goes up a steep hill!" But I have to wonder, is my loathing of the tourists in my neighborhood a direct result of my secret desire to be one of them?
Who knows, but in retrospect, I'm a lucky gal either way. I've been to some pretty amazing places and I also happen to live in a beautiful city that attracts people from all over the world--did I mention I can see the Golden Gate Bridge from my roof?
Side note #2: the picture above of the cable car found on was actually taken in front of my building. Creepy.
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