Once upon a time, job seekers from near and far would open the newspaper on Sunday morning, red pencil in hand, and circle potential future endeavors. This my friends, is no longer the case.
According to a Congressional study, classified advertising in daily papers declined 38% in 2010. Classified advertising accounted for about 50% of ad revenues for many papers in 2008. Now many of those ads have migrated from print to specialized real estate, and help wanted Websites.
As newspaper readers and jobseekers alike make the move from the newspaper to the Internet, one Website has become the clear frontrunner for those looking to for work: Craigslist.
Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities featuring free online classified ads with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, services, and discussion forums. The fee for posting a job is $25. This fee pays for one job in one category. There is no cost to submit a resume.
On any given day, you can check Craigslist to get the pulse of who’s hiring in the area and what they are looking for. Of over 25,000 jobs found listed on Reno Craigslist in Spring 2011, the following were in the highest demand:
1. Physical Therapists
2. Salespeople - retail
3. Occupational Therapists
4. Physicians in Family Practice
5. Customer Service Representatives
6. Physicians in Internal Medicine
7. Sales Representatives
8. Account Executives
9. Sales Managers
10. Store Managers
11. Physical Therapy Assistants
12. Registered Nurses
Yes, the national economic downturn hurt Reno’s lifeblood of tourism and gambling, but opportunities still do exist. Prior to the recession, the city enjoyed 30% employment growth in the decade from 1998 – 2008, more than most cities in the United States. In time, the tide will turn and employers will be seeking employees once again.
As is the case with many Websites, Craigslist has also been known to play host to scams from time to time. So, when seeking your next economic opportunity via Craigslist, be sure to do your due diligence, and make sure that you are applying for a legitimate job.
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